BLADE RUNNEr™ Dermaplaning Facial


Full Face + Neck Dermaplaning followed by potent SKIN NUTRIENTS which feed hungry skin tissues.

Custom-blended serums and masques to soothe, repair, brighten and hydrate the deeper layers of your skin for lasting improvements.

Radiance and balance are immediately restored, sending you out the door with your most luminous complexion ever.


$170 | 60-75 min


A cutting-edge anti-aging treatment which prompts your skin to self-repair through the use of fractional micro-needle technology combined with pristine, human-derived Growth Factors. human-derived bone marrow stem cells. Through the infusion of a proprietary needling solution, developed by renowned doctors George Taylor and John Sanderson, this treatment optimizes skin rejuvenation deep from within by initiating an anti-inflammatory healing response within our skin cells.

The inclusion of AnteAGE® cytokine/growth factor concentrate, both during and after each session, provides unparalleled rejuvenation. Also included is Celluma® Light Therapy which further boosts ATP production and collagen synthesis.



$315 | 75min

the nano-method™

Reverse damage in as little as 4 weeks with this 30 minute power-house facial.

SUMMER LABELLE Holistic Skincare + Beauty uses an award-winning holistic approach to significantly rejuvenate and reverse epidermal damage.

A condition-specific, high intensity 30 minute facial that includes the use of lab-cultured Growth Factors and Cytokines derived from bone marrow stem cells works to breathe new life into damaged + depleted skin.

Enhanced with potent peptides and protective antioxidants, this symphony of ingredients act in concert to deliver powerful benefits at the cellular level.​

Results are immediate + long-lasting, with zero down time.


$150 | 30min